Autumn/Winter 2021 at Ethical Cashmere: The Simple Pleasures
This Autumn/Winter 2021, we introduce the Lilac Purple to our EVERYDAY Vibrants collection. The first purple on our store, we were inspired by flowers in neighbourhood meadows, lilac and antique roses, and the sweetness of plum blossoms and jacaranda in backyards and parks.
This is the first time we're posting about our autumn season theme. However, after last year's Emerge More Beautiful inspiration, we continued to be inspired by the collective themes around appreciating the small things of beauty that are near to us, and re-learning how to notice the simple pleasures of what is familiar, the comfort of our favourite things. And we've decided to share these thoughts with you.
We chose the Lilac as a new colour for our most popular scarf for these autumn months. The feminine floral colour evokes everything soft and ageless, reminding us of resilience and patience.
View the Lilac EVERYDAY cashmere scarf on the store.
Best wishes,
Nuraini, Jason & Sumi